Transcrit - Université Paris 8


TransCrit (Transferts Critiques anglophones) is a research unit which brings together specialists in literature, history, civilization, translation studies and linguistics, whose main field of research is the English-speaking world.

TransCrit is resolutely open to interdisciplinarity in the field of humanities not only because of its vocation to federate all the disciplines of Anglistics at the University of Paris 8, but also because of its multiple collaborations with researchers and research centers working on other cultures, other literatures, and other disciplines in articulation with the English-speaking world.

TransCrit is attached to the Doctoral School "Practiques et théories du sens".

To consult TransCrit’s HAL open archive collection click here.


TransCrit co-directors:
Vincent Broqua and Claire Bourhis-Mariotti: transcrit-direction[at]

TransCrit administrative manager:
Fathé Manseur: fmanseur[at]

Ph.D. Students Representatives:
Jeanne Baudon and Ahmadreza Tavasoli: rep.doctorants.transcrit[at]

