


Ivana Didirková
Clinical and experimental phonetics, speech production, prosody-discourse interface

Dylan Glynn
Cognitive Linguistics, sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, multivariate statistics

Daniel Henkel
Corpus linguistics, translation studies

Marie-Pièrre Jouannaud
Second language acquisition, listening comprehension, foreign language assessment

Benoît Leclercq
Semantics, pragmatics, modality, Cognitive Construction Grammar, Relevance Theory

Takeki Kamiyama
Acquisition et apprentissage phonétiques des langues étrangères, phonétique générale

Lilli Parrott
Syntaxe anglaise et variétés de langue

Erwan Pépiot
Phonétique expérimentale, phonétique comparée de l’anglais et du français

Sabina Tabacaru
Cognitive Linguistics, discourse analysis, multimodality, humor, gesture


Jean-Yves Dommergues
Psycholinguistique et bilinguisme

Bernard Lafite
Morphology et lexicologie



Sociolinguistics, lexicology

Discourse analysis, corpora

Lexical semantics, corpora

Lexical semantics, corpora

Alienor Jeandidier
Lexical semantics, corpora

Lexical semantics, corpora

Discourse analysis, corpora

Morphosyntax, corpora

Morphosyntax, corpora



Research Assistants

Amina Maghraoui
Discourse analysis, gesture

Aliya Gimadieva
Discourse, corpora


Jing BAI
Lexicography, corpora


Takeki’s student


Associated Members

Alena anishchanka
University of Antwerp
Lexical Semantics

Malina Ditcheva
Université Païssii Hilendarski de Plovdiv

Guillaume Desagulier
Université Paris 8
Linguistique de corpus

Roussi Nikolov
Université Païssii Hilendarski de Plovdiv
Phonétique, TAAL

Alena Soloshenko
Université Paris-Est Créteil
Lexical Semantics

Oxana Kharlamenko
Université Paris 8
Historical linguistics


Former Members

Mireille Prodeau
Didactique de langues

Françoise Doro-Mégy
Sémantique lexicale

Yves-Bernard Malinier
Syntaxe fonctionnelle

Anne Tortel
Prosody and Second Language Acquisition

Nadine Herry-Bénit
Phonetics and Didactics

Alena Belanovich
Functional Syntax

Élise Ryst
Experimental Phonetics

Farzaneh Deravi

Isabel Tejada Sanchez

Discourse analysis, gesture

L2 acquisition, sociolinguistics

Didactics, discourse analysis

Lexicography, corpora

Chedi Ben Youssef
Discourse, corpora

Bassirou Kante
Morphosyntax, corpora

Translation, corpora












email :
Semantics, corpora, sociolinguistics, statistics
My main interest lies in explaining the inter-dependent structuring of the langauge system. The main of my research focuses on developing empirical usage-based methods for Cognitive and Functional Linguistics. I am especially interesting in semantics, lexical, morphological and contructional and the interaction between the three. I work on Germanic and Slavic languages.

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Associate Professor

email : takeki.kamiyama [at]

Web pages : UR (Unité de recherche) / DEPA (English Department)

My main research area is experimental phonetics and the acquisition and teaching of segmental (vowels and consonants) and prosodic aspects of foreign and second languages (English, French, Japanese, …). My doctoral dissertation dealt with the acquisition of French vowels by Japanese-speaking learners. I currently participate in projects related also to the phonetic/phonological acquisition of English as a foreign language : IceIPAC (Interphonology of Contemporary English), PARI-primaire (acquisition of English in French primary schools), SITAF (Spécificités des Interactions verbales dans le cadre de Tandems Anglais-Français).

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<a name=<-]


Associate Professor
email : lilli.parrott [at]

I am interested in a variety of topics in morphosyntax, semantics, and pragmatics. My approach is functional and often comparativist — comparing different languages (especially English, Russian, French, and German) or different varieties of English (from different areas of the English-speaking world) or different historical stages of English (from Early Modern English to Present-Day English). My current interests include verbal categories (aspectual systems, mood and modality, future reference) and the use of auxiliaries ; pronouns (gendered pronouns, 2nd-person systems) ; discourse markers (parentheticals, discourse clitics) ; and other markers or expressions of speaker attitude or assessment, including information structure.
  • Parrott, L. 2012. Changements de voix : un aperçu historique sur la terminologie linguistique. Demi-journée sur la voix. May 4, 2012, Paris.
  • Parrott, L. 2011. How to tell a he from a she : the use of gendered pronouns with non-personal referents in English. Etats critiques et Transitions disciplinaires. November 18-19, 2011, Paris.
  • Parrott, L. 2010. Vocatives and other direct-address forms : a contrastive study". A. Grønn & I. Marijanovi ? (eds), Russian in Contrast. Grammar. Oslo Studies in Language 2 : 211-229.

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Associate Professor 
email : erwan.pepiot [at]

My research area is experimental phonetics. I am mainly interested in acoustic differences between female and male speech in American English and French speakers and in the way listeners can identify a speaker’s gender from his or her voice. So far, my findings support the idea that cross-gender acoustic differences are partly language-dependent and therefore, socially constructed. A next step will be to investigate bilingual speakers’ behaviour from this perspective.

I am also involved in a research project about the acoustic aspects of the syllable and syllabification preferences in in English L1 / French L2 and French L1 / English L2 bilingual speakers. 

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Associate Professor 
email : sabina_tabacaru [at]


My main area of research is multimodal discourse analysis, within a Cognitive Linguistics theoretical framework. I particularly focus on sarcasm in interaction and the use of non-verbal elements, such as facial expressions, in the process of meaning construction. My projects include extending the interpretation of these facial expressions (called “gestural triggers” with the use of sarcasm) to other languages and to other communication modes (such as emoji use in different languages). 

  • Tabacaru, S. 2019. A Multimodal Study of Sarcasm in Interactional Humor. Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Tabacaru, S. & Feyaerts, K. 2016. The power of metonymy in humor : stretching contiguous relations across different layers of meaning. The European Journal of Humor Research 4 : 1-18.
  • Tabacaru, S. & Lemmens, M. 2014. Raised eyebrows as gestural triggers in humor : The case of sarcasm and hyper-understanding. The European Journal of Humor Research 2 : 11-31.

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Associate Professor 
email : i_didirkova [at]

My main research interests include clinical and experimental phonetics, as well as the prosody-discourse interface. Since the completion of my doctoral thesis, I have mainly been working on stuttering and its consequences on speech and in spoken language, with a focus on all levels of speech production. I currently participate in projects related to the speech production in different speech disorders. My research interests also extend to the importance of prosody in transmitting discourse structure and discourse information in non-pathological and pathological speech.


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Associate Professor 
email : benoit.leclercq04 [at]

As a scientist, I take a keen interest in understanding how meaning comes about and the bulk of my research is centered on the semantics-pragmatics interface. At a conceptual level, my theories of choice are Cognitive Construction Grammar and Relevance Theory, and I focus on issues that require spelling out the respective roles of grammar and context in the co-construction of meaning (e.g. coercion, lexically-regulated saturation, etc.). In the domain of English linguistics, I am especially interested in the expression of modality and the fine meaning effects (semantic or pragmatic) that the use of different modals brings about.

  • Leclercq, B., & Depraetere, I. To appear. Making meaning with be able to : Modality and actualisation. English Language and Linguistics.
  • Leclercq, B. 2021. Semantics and pragmatics in Construction Grammar. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 34 : 228-238.
  • Leclercq, B. 2019. Coercion : A case of saturation. Constructions and Frames 11(2) : 270- 289.



Marie-Pièrre Jouannaud

Associate Professor 
email : marie-pierre.jouannaud [at]

I specialize in Second Language Acquisition, specifically the acquisition of English as a foreign language. I am interested in establishing a link between the study of foreign language acquisition processes (especially in listening) and language teaching and assessment methods. I am also interested in the development of digital ressources for language teaching, from elementary to university level.

  • Jouannaud, M.-P., & Hilton, H. To appear. Représentation phonologique des mots en langue étrangère. Les Langues Modernes.
  • Jouannaud, M.-P., Thévenon, M., Biros, C., & Fries, M.-H. 2018. Benchmarking comprehension exams on the CEFR a posteriori ? : An exploratory experiment. ASp. La Revue Du GERAS 74 : 163 ?172.

  • Cervini, C., & Jouannaud, M.-P. 2015. Ouvertures et tensions liées à la conception d’un système d’évaluation en langues, numérique, multilingue et en ligne, dans une perspective communicative et actionnelle. ALSIC 18 : no pp.




Doctoral Candidate
email : amiraarous [at]

Gesture Studies, discourse analysis

Thesis : A contrastive analysis of gestures in films : the dyad of spontaneous and staged human interactions
This study contrasts spontaneous co-speech gestures in two different contexts : free interaction and staged performance. My hypothesis is that interlocutors use more sipmlified gestures to express stance in the staged context than in the spontaneous setting. The database consists in a corpus of distinct sets of co-speech gestures. The aim is to analyse the co-occurrences of stance-bearing lexical anchors with visual stance markers. A semasiological approach is adapted for this purpose.
  • Arous, A. 2016. Intersubjectivity in Editorial Cartoons : A Multimodal Corpus-driven Study. 10th International Conference of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association, Madrid, Spain.
  • Arous, A. 2018. A contrastive analysis of gesture in spontaneous and staged human interactions : Tunisian gestures as a case study. 3rd nternational Association for Cognitive Semiotics, Toronto, Canada.

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Doctoral Candidate
email : aberracheche [at]

Critical Discourse Analysis, Systemic Functional Linguistics

Thesis : The Construal of Asylum. A New Methodological Perspective to Critical Discourse Analysis
This study employs a combination of both quantitative and qualitative methods of linguistic analysis to improve tools used to identify discursive construal (also called discourse construction) in critical discourse analysis (CDA). The case study is based on news editorials texts published between January and December 2016 in eight newspapers (Aujourd’hui en France, Le Figaro, Le Monde, Libération, The Daily Mail, The Daily Mirror, The Daily Telegraph, and The Guardian).
  • Berracheche, A. 2020. Appraisal and Party Positioning in Parliamentary Debates : A Usage-Based Critical Discourse Analysis. International Journal of English Linguistics 10 : 322-334.
  • Berracheche, A. 2016. Implicit Attitude in Political Discourse. Applying Cognitive Linguistics methods to Critical Discourse Analysis. 7th German Cognitive Linguistics Conference, October, Essen, Germany.
  • Berracheche, A. 2018. Construing asylum. A case study of metaphoric use in English and French media discourse. 4th International Conference onFigurative Thought and Language, October, Braga, Portugal.

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Doctoral Candidate
email : lalou.rival [at]

Critical Discourse Analysis, Systemic Functional Linguistics, Gender Studies

Thesis : Les mouvements masculiniste et féministe exclusionnaires sur les réseaux sociaux. Une comparaison en analyse critique du discours
Après une bi-licence Histoire-Anglais effectuée à Paris 4, j’ai complété un Master en Linguistique Anglaise à Paris Diderot et à l’Université de Chicago et ai concentré mes recherches en analyse du discours et études de genre, avec un mémoire analysant l’attribution linguistique de responsabilité dans trois cas de procès pour viol aux Etats-Unis. Désormais doctorante à Paris 8, mes recherches se concentrent en analyse critique du discours et Linguistique Systémique Fonctionelle. J’effectue actuellement une comparaison linguistique et rhétorique entre discours masculinistes et discours féministes exclusionaires sur la plateforme de réseau social Twitter.
  • Rival, L. 2023. The role of polysemy of English negation in the linguistically restrictive environment of the courtroom : A case study of the construal of responsibility in three Chicago rape trials. 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, 7-11 August 2023, Düsseldorf, Germany.

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Doctoral Candidate
email : syncopem [at]

Lexical semantics, corpora, Cognitive Linguistics

Thesis : Contrastive Study of ENVIE et ENNUI in English, French and Russian
Using the Natural Semantic Metalanguage approach and Metaphorical Pattern Analysis, I’m looking at pragmatic and contrastive aspects of prototypical situations of these emotions in social context, then I compare metaphorical structuring through the analysis of lexemes expressing these concepts.
  • Biryukova, A. 2018. Genre effects on metaphoric structuring of scientific concepts : A multivariate usage-based study. 11th International Conference of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association. October, Cordoba, Spain.
  • Biryukova, A. 2018. The semasiological variation of wish in English : a corpus-driven study. 4th International Conference on Figurative Thought and Language, October, Braga, Portugal.

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Doctoral Candidate
email : gioia.franchi [at]

Corpus Linguistics, Translation Studies, figurative language

Les expressions idiomatiques en traduction anglais/français/italien/russe
My research deals with expressions and collocations in a cross-cultural perspective within different languages, i.e. Italian, French, English and Russian, which I have been passionate about since childhood. This love for cultures and different languages has guided me professionally in translation and localization projects, and is a source of inspiration for poetic and literary translations as well as cultural reportage and photo-reportage – respecting and acquiring the most from art, music and meditation in order to discover the richness of cultures.
  • 2015. La madre : la Storia in un romanzo. Un inno ai giovani e alla ricerca della Verità" Studi e ricerche di storia contemporanea n° 83/84
  • 2017. The lingual-socio-cultural potential of lexical units of the thematic group "Dacha" in the modern Russian language (on the background of Italian, French and English languages)", Sbornik nauchnyh trudov, Saint-Petersburg Mining University
  • Seminaire de Traduction CREATIC - with the participation of Université de Paris 8/ Università di Firenze/ University of California - Berkeley hosted in Florence 2-10/06/2019 at the Villa

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Doctoral Candidate
email : meriem.gueche [at]

Sociolinguistics, L2 Acquisition

Thesis : Interference and Input Complexity Effects on L2 Acquisition
The effects of multilingualism on the acquisition of vocabulary among L2 university learners of English. The data are collected in a multilingual and multicultural environment by means of written productions and questionnaires. The second part of my study involves the assessment of pragmatic competence among learners of English who have been exposed to both British and American English. Pragmatic tests and questionnaires were also designed to serve this purpose.
  • Gueche, M. 2018. Interference and Input Complexity Effects on L2 Acquisition. 14th ESSE Conference, August, Brno, Czechia.
  • Gueche, M. 2017. Multilingualism Effects on the Acquisition of English Vocabulary. Multilingualism in Society, Politics and Education Conference, March, Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Germany.
  • Gueche, M. & Nacira, H. 2014. Teachers’ Perceptions and Attitudes towards British and American English. El Tawassol Langues et Littératures Journal 37 : 59-68.

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Doctoral Candidate
email : matusevich [at]

Didactics, discourse analysis

Thesis : Measuring Communicative Success of Educational Videos : A Quantitative Study of Linguistic Features Affecting Message Retention
Social media have relatively recently seen an emergence of a whole new category of videos, educational ones. These videos are varied and enjoy relative success. There is, however, a question of their communicative success : how high it is and, more importantly, what affects it ? Here, communicative success is operationalised as message retention. The goal of the research is thus to weed out of the high number of contributing factors the linguistic ones and analyse how they can affect message retention in educational videos.
  • Matusevich, I. 2017. Metaphoric Structure of ANGER – Developing Usage-Based Methods for Contrastive Linguistics, ICLC14 International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, July, Tartu, Estonia.
  • Matusevich, I. 2016. Conceptualising ANGER in Czech, Polish and Russian. A descriptive case study in usage-based semantics. Conference of the Spanish Society of Cognitive Linguistics, October, Alcalá de Henares, Spain.
  • Matusevich, I. 2015. Teaching English for Academic Purposes Online.ICT for Language Learning, November, Florence, Italy.

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Doctoral Candidate
email : laylamexico [at]

Sociolinguistics, lexicology, phonology

Thesis : L’espagnol parlé dans l’étroit du Gibraltar : Le cas de la variété de Ceuta
Ma recherche s’inscrit dans l’étude sociolinguistique descriptive du parler urbain de la ville de Ceuta, afin de décrire l’état actuel de l’espagnol parlé dans cette enclave. Cette étude sera une continuité des autres travaux sociolinguistiques réalisés sur cette enclave surtout l’étude de Carmen Ayora (1996), en ayant comme objectif principal la présentation d’une description de ce parler tel qu’il est pratiqué aujourd’hui à Ceuta et de fournir de nouvelles données linguistiques à travers d’un corpus oral. Le choix d’étudier le parler de la ville n’était pas le fruit du hasard, car grâce aux conseils des directeurs de recherche et vu la situation de la ville que nous présentons dans la suite, nous avons décidé de faire une étude sociolinguistique sur l’espagnol de cette ville.

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Research Assistant
email : olaf.mikkelsen [at]

Morphosyntax, corpora, constructions

Project : Future constructions in Germanic and Romance languages
My PhD-project examines future constructions in English, Norwegian, French and Spanish, all of which all have several (at least two) competing future forms, some of which may also take modal readings. The study seeks to answer the question : can we find predictable patterns across languages and language families, i.e. are there some fundamental (possibly universal) ways of dividing the future temporal ground (the way we talk about the future) ? Or can their use and variation best be explained in terms of competing constructions that can be placed alongside an axis of grammaticalization ? The possible applications for the project are mainly theoretical (within Cognitive and Construction Grammar), but could also show to have implications in didactics (the acquisition of these constructions for L2 learners) and computational linguistics (resolving ambiguities between tense, aspect and modality).
  • Mikkelsen, O. & Guelpa, P. 2018. Le Premier traité grammatical islandais dans l’histoire des théories linguistiques. CTLF
  • Mikkelsen, O. 2018. A proposal for a mental representation of future constructions. Corpus-driven study of Norwegian future forms, October, Cordoba, Spain
  • Mikkelsen, O. 2017. Making sense of Norwegian future forms. A collostructional analysis of Norwegian future constructions (skal/vil/kommer til å + INF) and a pilot multifactorial analysis of skal/vil + inf. 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-14), July, Tartu, Estonia

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Doctoral Candidate
email : mai.kmmt [at]

Lexical semantics, corpora, emotions, Cognitive Linguistics

Project : The conceptual structure of emotions in French and Japanese
This is a contrastive study which seeks to reveal how emotional concepts are structured in French and Japanese and differences in the two languages. It uses corpus based methods and statistical tools.
  • Kumamoto, M. 2018. Testing the Invariance Hypothesis : A Case Study of Colour Metaphors in French. 4th International Conference on Figurative Thought and Language, October, Braga, Portugal.
  • Kumamoto, M. 2018. The colour of emotion. An empirical study into the metaphoric structuring of ‘anger’, ‘fear’ and ‘sadness’ in French. 11th International Conference of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association (AELCO 2018), October, Cordoba, Spain.

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Doctoral Candidate
email : yangna823 [at]

Lexicography, corpora, Chinese, French

Projet : Les relations familiales et le positionnement épistémique en chinois et en français : étude lexicométrique multidimensionnelle et comparative

En adoptant les méthodes analytiques au sein de la linguistique cognitive et de la linguistique systémique fonctionnelle, cette étude vise à analyser de manière approfondie la différence lexicale chinois-français, à partir des corpus, dans le but d’améliorer les dictionnaires bilingues d’apprentissage.

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 Piotr WYROS ?AK

Doctoral Candidate
email : piovyr [at]

Morphosyntax, corpora

Project : The Polish instrumental in constructional alternations

My research is situated within the domain of usage-based corpus semantics, applied to the study of grammatical alternations and case. My PhD project focuses specifically on the Polish instrumental case, which, aside from its eponymous function, displays a broad array of vastly different uses. In several situations, the synthetic forms with the instrumental marking can be substituted by other structures, yielding near-synonymous effects. The project sets out to analyse these situations, capturing the variables underlying constructional choices made by the speakers, and, thereby, providing a usage-based description of the Polish instrumental.

  • Wyro ?lak, P. 2018. A usage-based model of the accusative-instrumental alternation in Polish, July, Paris, France.
  • Wyro ?lak, P. 2018. Accusative-instrumental alternation in Polish : Quantitative corpus study, October, Cordoba, Spain.

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Research Assistant
email : maarie.chantre [at]

Lexical semantics, Cognitive Linguistics

Project : Representation of Conceptualisation of the Body in Cotemporary English

Based on corpus methods and statistical tools, this study aims to show the representation of the conceptualisation of the Body in both American and British English contemporary English

  • Chantre, M. 2018. Corporal Construal. A quantitative analysis of the use of body-part terms as a source concept for SEXUALITY. 4th International Conference on Figurative Thought and Language, October, Braga, Portugal.
  • Chantre, M. 2018. Conceptualising the body in America and Britain. A profile-based variationnist study of the use of body-part terms in online diaries. 11th International Conference of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association (AELCO 2018), October, Cordoba, Spain.

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 Amina Maghraoui

Research Assistant
email : maghraoui.amina [at]

Discourse Analysis, Gesture

Project : Straight face on the stand up comedian. Prosody and gesture in ironic discourse

This project explores how sarcasm is performed and how it is used in stand-up comedy in order to deliver humorous intentions by using gestural triggers. Sarcasm has been defined as a critical message which targets “someone or something specifically, be they present or not” (Tabacaru 2017). Our project consists of comparing the occurrences of sarcastic cues with the facial expressions and the prosodic features of the speaker since these non-verbal cues serve as ‘helpers’ (Tabacaru 2014) that guide the hearers to the interpretation of the humorous message. The data is mainly drawn from Ricky Gervais’ stand-up comedy show “Humanity” (live and informal speech) in order to prove the use of certain gestural triggers to mark (from the part of the speaker) and detect (from the part of the hearer) the occurrences of sarcasm such as raised eyebrows and other facial expressions.

  • Tabacaru, S. & Maghraoui, A. 2018. Faces of humor : facial expressions as gestural triggers of sarcasm in the media. 11th International Conference of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association (AELCO 2018), October, Cordoba, Spain.

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Research Assistant
email : [at]

Discourse analysis, Language Idiologies, sociocultural linguistics, corpus linguistics.

Project : Quantifying Critical Discourse Anaylsis
The evaluation of Muslims in a participatory online media outlet. This study draws on multivariate techniques developed in Cognitive and Corpus Linguistics and applies them to critical research questions, offering a way to reveal subtle discursive characteristics implicit in language. Chadi’s research interests include Sociocultural Linguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis, Corpus Linguistics, language ideologies and quantitative methods
  • Youssef, C. B. 2016. Empirical approach to Critical Discourse Analysis. A multivariate study on the reproduction of the discourses of racism in the media. 10th International Conference of Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association, October, Madrid, Spain.

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Associated Members



Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor

Corpus-based cognitive linguistics

  • Desagulier, G. Forthcoming. A lesson from associative learning : what collostruction asymmetries reveal as to the productivity of in the Corpus of Contemporary American English. 
  • Desagulier, D. In press. Visualizing distances in a set of near synonyms : rather, quite, fairly, and pretty. D. Glynn & J. Robinson (eds), Polysemy and Synonymy : Corpus Methods Cognitive Semantics. Studies in polysemy and synonymy. Amsterdam : John Benjamins.
  • Desagulier, D. 2012. “C’est de la bombe !” Qualitative count-to-mass conversion in French copular subject-predicate constructions. M. Bouveret & D. Legallois (eds), Constructions in French, 201-232. John Benjamins.

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PRCE en anglais des affaires, Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis
email : oxana_kharlamenko [at]

Historical linguistics, corpus linguistics, Old English, Middle English

I’m interested in Old and Middle English morphosyntax and semantics. My doctoral dissertation dealt with Old English multiple gender nouns, and my current research focuses on number and the expression of non-individual in late Old and early Middle English. I am also interested in other older Germanic languages, particularly in Old Norse/Icelandic.
  • Kharlamenko, O. 2020. The Expression of Non-Individual in Some Old English Nouns. In R. Pérez Lorido, C. Prado-Alonso, P. Rodriguez-Puente (eds.) Of ye Olde Englisch. Language and Textes : New Perspectives on Old and Middle English Language and Literature : 25-50.

  • Kharlamenko, O. 2017. Grammatical Gender Variation in Old English Inanimate Nouns. Studies in Language Variation and Change 2 : 61-108.

  • Kharlamenko, O. 2016. A la confluence des genres : la perspective sur le neutre des collectifs vieil-anglais. Bulletin des anglicistes médiévistes, 89 : 3-23.

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Former Members

Françoise DORO-MÉGY

Associate Professor
Université Paris-Est Créteil


My research interests are in syntax, semantics and discourse analysis. I am particularly interested in modalisation and linguistic representation of inner states (cognition and perception verbs for example). My research is based on enunciative theories and focuses on reported speech and the concepts of assertion, “otherness” and polyphony. I also work in contrastive linguistics, comparing English and French.
  • Doro-Mégy, F. In press. Les traductions du verbe ESTIMER en anglais : Qui « estime » quoi ? Paris : Klincksieck.
  • Doro-Mégy, F. 2009. Comment (ne pas) citer ses sources : rôle des sources assertives indéterminées dans la presse anglo-saxonne. A. Kacprzak (ed). Aspects interculturels de la communication, 189-196. Warsaw : nstytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej.
  • Doro-Mégy, F. 2008. Etude croisée de " think", "believe", "croire" et "penser". Paris : Ophrys.

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Yves-Bernard MALINIER

Associate Professor
email :


The interface between syntax and semantics. Within the Théorie des Opérations Énonciatives, I explore the contribution of semantics to the argument-structure and tense-aspect constructions in which verbs occur.
Voice : subjective vs. objective representation, non-canonical verb constructions
Verb classes and verb patterns : (in)transitivity and property predications
Prepositions : from OE to Present-day English
Referential (in)definiteness and genericness, English indefinite pronouns and the distribution of the -body/-one morphemes

  • Maliner, Yves. In press. La perte de sa valeur spatiale : cause première de la disparition de la préposition du Vieil-Anglais mid ? Th. Verjans & C. Badiou-Monferran (eds), Disparitions et changements linguistiques, Paris : Honoré Champion.
  • Maliner, Yves. 2010. Représentation spatiale d’un cas non spatial : la préposition by dans les passives dites "longues". Anglophonia 26 : 7-22.
  • Maliner, Yves. 2008. Du notionnel à l’énonciatif et retour : le cas de l’activo-passif en anglais actuel. Anglophonia 18 : 47-71.

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Aix-Marseille Université

Université Paris Nanterre

Elise RYST


Vivienne MÉLA

Farzaneh DERAVI



Marie-Pierre GÉRON




Élise RYST

email : rystelise [at]


My research focuses mainly on the study of the auditive and acoustic aspects of the syllable when produced and perceived by English native speakers and French learners of English. But I am also interested in aspects about bilingual speakers and speech sofware development.
  • Ryst, E. (2012). « Rôle du contexte sur la perception de l’ambisyllabicité en anglais en fonction de la langue dominante de l’auditeur », publication électronique, revue CORELA, numéro thématique RJC Cotexte, Contexte, Situation, Université de Poitiers - Poitiers, France. Site :
  • Ditcheva, M., Dommergues, J.-Y. & Ryst, E. (2009). Modélisation et acquisition des voyelles à l’aide du logiciel SaRP, Scientific Works, vol. 47, Book 1, Philology, Plovdiv University "Païssii Hilendarski" – Plovdiv, Bulgaria. [Aide BQR MSH Paris-Nord]
  • Ryst, E. (2008, en dépôt à la BU de l’Université P8). L’ambisyllabicité en anglais : une approche phonétique, mémoire de M2, 62p., mention Très Bien, Université Paris 8 (inclus en annexe : Ryst, E., 2007, On English Syllabification of isolated words : some phonological, perceptive, articulatory and varietal (UK, US) features of the English syllable, mémoire de M1, 84p., mention Très Bien, Université Paris 8).

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Doctoral Candidate
email : silicheva [at]

Syntax, Functional Linguistics

Projet : Lexical licensing of a complex situation in a simple English sentence structure
Une question fondamentale dans la linguistique contemporaine est celle de compositionnalité (lexical licencing). Cette problématique est à l’origine des grands débats grammaticaux de 20ème siècle et la question reste entièrement ouverte jusqu’à nos jours. Pourquoi est-il grammatical de combiner un lexème avec une construction, mais un autre lexème comparable ne produit pas une combinaison grammaticale (felicitous). Quelles sont les contraintes sur les combinaisons lexico-syntaxiques ? Est-il possible de produire une grammaire adéquate au plan descriptif, mais aussi adéquate au plan explicatif, qui rendent compte de telles contraintes. L’objet de cette étude est limité aux constructions employées dans la consommation de l’alimentation.

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